Help Orphans Worldwide, Inc.

Facts About Foster Youth & Orphans
There are over 154 million orphans worldwide.
Every day 5,726 children become orphans somewhere in the world.
Every 2.2 seconds another orphan ages out of the system with no family to belong to and no place to call home.
HIV/AIDS has orphaned 17.9 million children, most of them in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.
Over 7 million children are in institutional care worldwide.
40,000 children under the age of 5 die a week due to unclean water
399, 546 children in the US Foster Care system.
101,719 are waiting to be adopted from the foster care system.
55,925 children age 1 year and younger were placed in Foster Care
23, 439 Children “aging out” of the foster system
The average age of a child waiting to be adopted: 7.8 years old
Foster Children have a 50% dropout rate
1 in 30 children is homeless in America.
50% of youth aging out of the foster care system will be homeless within 6 months because, without a stable home life, they never learned the skills needed to live independently.
Within 72 hours of being on the streets, a homeless youth is approached for sex.
49% of homeless youth have been sexually exploited.
Adopting from foster care is an affordable way to give a child a loving family.
Most state child welfare agencies can assist with the costs of home studies and court fees, and provide post-adoption subsidies.
*Many employers offer financial reimbursement and paid leave for employees who adopt and Federal and/or state adoption tax credits are available to most families.
*Adopting from foster care is a permanent solution. Once a child is adopted out of foster care, their birth parents cannot attempt to claim them; or fight in court for their return. A family formed through foster care adoption is forever.
It only takes 1 caring adult to make a difference in the lifetime of a child. Will you be the one to make a difference?
"In you, orphans find mercy" Hosea 14:3